Nacha Guevara - Yo soy la nacha Лирицс транслатион то енглисх
I'm the Nacha
I'm the Nacha, that's how they call me
it's natural that I gotta have a name
but there are who say 'It's unspeakable
it's unspeakable what this woman does'
I say my name sticking my chest out
(Honestly she doesn't have much to stick)
They said everything about that woman
they said everything, except for the truth
Where you were born? In Mar del Plata,
that since then is the happy ciry
I came an early morning to my parents house
thirty three years ago from Paris
How much you weighed? Three point one kilos...
Well, honestly she doesn't weigh more than that
Maybe you want to know what studies I did
(A modest and shameful sixth grade)
I was the best in the school
Come on Nacha, the best in what?
in catching smallpox
What's your state? An awful one!
I had three husbands without marrying
there are people who finds it despicable
but I know my moral is flawless!
I was dancer, then a model
I worked as actress and I'm a singer...
(This woman is a very special being
she does everything, but she does it poorly)
I've worked in the beloved Di Tella!
(Maybe that's the reason they closed it down)
I've performed in the Maipo in the season!
(Until the day she was kicked out)
I've succeeded in the Stadium Luna Park!
(It went well until she started boxing)
My name is Nacha and tonight
you'll see passing a thousand and one Nachas
In a night a thousand and one Nachas
You'll see everything... except my underwear
Be careful, don't open the mouth
and don't breath nor make noise wiht the cups
because then the diva messes
and breaks everything, honestly she's half nuts
Night of Nacha
who cries, who shatters...
Nacha of Night
who goes on car on horse
Sympathetic, agressive or seducing Nacha
Anarchist, sxy, snob or brawling Nacha
Nacha the crazy who doesn't shut up
Nacha the sane, even if sometimes she says...shit
Submissive, very happy and shirtless Nacha
The pale, pupate and skinny Nacha
Nacha girl Nacha boy cachavacha or colombina
Lively, Nacha bug murderer or pilgrim
The one who sings hel laments under very different roofs
with her look of girl
Who listens, who fights
You'll see a thousand and one...
It's hard to believe...
But Nacha is a woman...
A Pandora box...
And the box is opening...
Sirs, don't have any doubt
that here will pass the thousand and one...Nachas!

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
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Више лирицс транслатионс
Petak mi je na pameti
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Baš je loše u ponedeljak izjutra
Svako mi nešto prigovara
Osećam se bolje tokom utorka
Čak i moj stari bolje izgleda
Sredo ne dolazi
Četvrtak teško prolazi prolazi
Petak mi na um dolazi
(vidi moju malenu)
U gradu ću da se zabavljam
(Ko da jebem vas osećam)
(Moju malenu jebavam)
S mojom devojkom budi
Jako je lepa
(Sve što želim da radim)
(Ima da poludim)
Večeras fino izgleda
(Zum zum zum)
Nije mi pred očima(tako božanstvena)
(Večeras) Hleb svoj trošim
(Večeras) Glavu gubim
(Večeras) Večeras moram da uhvatim
Ponedeljak, petak mi je na pameti
Još jednom se kroz pet dana provuci (Ponedeljak seta)
Ničeg se više ne gadim
Više neg' za bogate da radim (siromašan, prosjak, lopov)
Hej jednog ću dana scenu da promenim
Danas ću možda besneti
Sutra će mi drago biti
Jer petak mi je na pameti
(vidi moju malenu)
U gradu ću da se zabavljam
(Ko da jebem vas osećam)
(Moju malenu jebavam)
S mojom devojkom budi
Jako je lepa
(Sve što želim da radim)
(Ima da poludim)
Večeras fino izgleda
(Zum zum zum)
Nije mi pred očima(tako božanstvena)
(Večeras) Hleb svoj trošim
(Večeras) Glavu gubim
(Večeras) Večeras moram da uhvatim
Ponedeljak, petak mi je na pameti
(Vidi moju malenu)
(Osećam da jebem vas)
Zabaviću se
(Sve što želim da uradim)
(Zum zum zum)
Budi s mojom devojkom
(Zum zum zum)
(Osećam da volim vas)
Nemoj me spuštati
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Sam sam, nemam kud da lutam
Kažem ti, dom mi nije potreban
Tumaram okolo, razdragan
Čak od grada do grada idem
Rekoh mislim da je ovaj kamen veličanstven
Reci da ću tvoj čovek biti
Nemoj me bedačiti, nemoj me rastužiti
Upoznao sam ovu ribu pre nekog vremena
I rekla mi je onda da bi ostala
Ovaj blok sam dobio, baš kao pećinu
A onda smo dobili, našu domaćicu
I onda ću je voditi na prizemlja
Glava mi se mantala
Nemoj da bi me rastužila, izbedačila
Meni je ljubavniica potrebna
Neka nova
I tad ću joj biti veran ja
Kupiću joj stvari lepe i krzna
Čak ću joj i burmu kupiti jaž
Ali do tad ću se smiriti
Reci da ću tvoj čovek biti
Nemoj me bedačiti, nemoj me rastužiti
Ali do tad ću se smiriti
Reci da ću tvoj čovek biti
Nemoj me bedačiti, nemoj me rastužiti
Nemoj me spuštati
Konture stvari
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Pred mojim očima oblici stvari
Da prezirem samo me nauči
Hoće li čoveka mudrijim učiniti vreme
U mom usamljenom okviru ovde
Moje oči povređuju mozak moj samo
Ali hoće li izgledati isto
(Dođi sutra) da li ću stariji biti
(Dođi sutra) vojnik možda
(dođi sutra) mogu li sutra hrabriji nego danas biti
Drveće je skoro zelenije sada
Ali da li će se videti
Kad će vreme i plima biti
Dečak u tvojim prolaznim rukama
Molim te ovu zemlju nemoj uništiti
U peščanu pustinju nemoj ih pretvoriti
(Dođi sutra) da li ću stariji biti
(Dođi sutra) vojnik možda
(dođi sutra) mogu li sutra hrabriji nego danas biti
Nadam se uskoro da ću pronaći
Klicu u umu
Što neće moju vrstu obrukati
Even Though You've Left
I search, but I can't find
A moment that will wake me up inside.
And I just want to escape
From the past that’s trying to take me away.
I know it’s hard,
And it will always be,
Until the day I heal completely.
But maybe one day,
When we meet again,
All this pain will finally end.
Even though you've left
My life for good,
I want you to know—I’m not okay.
And please don’t forget,
We once had something real,
But without me, do you really feel okay?
I sit and watch
As happiness belongs to everyone else.
And no, I just don’t understand
Why it never comes my way as well.
I know it’s hard,
And it will always be,
Until the day I heal completely.
But maybe one day,
When we meet again,
All this pain will finally end.
Even though you've left
My life for good,
I want you to know—I’m not okay.
And please don’t forget,
We once had something real,
But without me, do you really feel okay? (x2)
My love, just listen,
Don't take this as an insult.
I was yours, you were mine,
But now that’s no longer true.
Maybe I’m to blame,
Maybe I deserve the shame.
When you look at me,
I walk away
I’m all alone today.
Even though you've left
My life for good,
I want you to know—I’m not okay.
And please don’t forget,
We once had something real,
But without me, do you really feel okay? (x1)